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Ars Moriendi Tradition

Honoring our dead through kin performing essential rituals. 

For more information on services of this type call 760-559-1156 or download a pricelist below.

Price subject to change without notice

Creating Sacred Space 

Creating Sacred Space for the Dying

Vigil Support

Vigil Support

Body Care

Reverent Body Care


Family having Home Funeral

Family is central to the Ars Moriendi Tradition. At Happy Trails, we come to you in the comfort of your own home and guide you and your family through planning, creating their sacred space, holding space, and caring for your dying at home. Bringing compassion, dignity and peace of mind to those facing their end through our support, guidance, and being present. Family is guided through and partakes in the ritual of body preparation for a Home Funeral. This allows for family to come together to heal, celebrate and honor their loved ones. Being present at one's end is an honor and a blessing. W.O.D.O. We Only Die Once, why not be surrounded by family & friends in the comfort of your own home. Call Today! To find out more information and ways you can plan for yourself or a loved one.  

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